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Anonymous stephens said...

The great folly of the “Cultural Marxist”/ Leftist movement is in the contradiction that, whilst believing the *magic* does not exist, it (*regardless of the obvious realities of the world*) believes that the magic can be done. That, somehow, if it merely wishes enough (and educates those that are not onboard) that all the peoples will be able to mix in harmony and all work together for the common good, in a more heavenly existence.

It is, somehow, able to ignore the blatant realities, the failure of Communism, partition of India etc. and denies the existence of the “magic”, the “light” that would be absolutely essential for achieving its objectives of heaven on earth.

Worse still it also denies the existence of the “dark” and falsely believes it’s just a trait that can be largely educated out and isolated.

Without a belief in God, without “magical thinking”, how on earth, in the face of the realities of this world, can the magic be done?

They have set us on a dire course and are fated to serve as “useful idiots” for the elites or, worse still, as unaware agents of an evil they deny existence of. They are doomed to utter miserable failure.

12 November 2016 at 09:40