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Anonymous Spurspright said...

Collectivism is the most persistent of the things you mentioned, because it comes from an inborn human trait, which is to be social.
It was very difficult and slow for me to understand that even if everything else is evil, it's not utterly hopeless as long as I am not, and it took longer still to truly feel that way (and thus to not despair) rather than merely knowing it intellectually.

Even now, though I'd gladly live alone in a cabin in the woods, away from society and a culture that I hate, it still gnaws at me that my fellow men are in such disarray and that the culture is in the state that it's in.

However, I channel my collectivism not toward "making mankind great again" (although that would be very nice if possible), but toward waking people up as I was myself awoken.
If everyone wanted mankind to be great, then it would become great, but what's most important is wanting it. It's infinitely better to know what's good, to love, to be loyal, and to desire glory, but to be unable to realise such a society due to outer factors, than it is to be handed all of that stuff but not value it.
Essentially: To have truly loved but lost one's spouse to death, over having a great spouse but not caring what so ever, and not being loyal or loving. The former person is superior, and whom I would rather be.

The darkest days yet are now, and I've actually learned a lot from living during this dark age of inversion that I would not have learned by living a more natural life as a hunter gatherer in a tribe of fellows. I would have struggled with starvation, warfare, etc, but I would know naught of the true nature of evil.

17 December 2023 at 12:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@S - Very interesting comment!

17 December 2023 at 12:53

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Thanks, Frank.

I have just returned from a Christmas lessons and carols (plus 10 minute sermon) at my local conservative evangelical protestant Anglican church; and was stuck more than ever by how Jesus is supposedly about everything (inerrant Bible, virgin birth, God as Man, redemption from (moral) sin, kingship, glorying the Father, a better world etc etc) *except* eternal life in Heaven - which was never mentioned (except very indirectly).

17 December 2023 at 20:06