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Anonymous Adam G. said...

Yes. A few years back it occurred to me that some natural disasters and even human problems may be due to angels making mistakes and getting experience. It's not as if managing complex natural and human systems, or better put, relationships, is always intuitive and easy. And we already know from mortal experience that God is willing to let his children make mistakes, even extremely serious mistakes, so long as He can make up for them in the long run. We also know that, as productive as our mortal experience is, there's a huge gap between it and our full potential as grown-up sons of the Highest. Is it too outlandish to imagine a billion years managing sea vents, serving as a guardian angel, acting as the patron for some nation, collaborating with a genius as his muse, creating suns, and running galaxies? I think not. And if that isn't outlandish, the notion that we might screw up from time to time naturally follows.

30 April 2015 at 14:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Adam - I think the other view (that angels are perfect, cannot err, never err) probably comes from seeing them not as true agents, but purely as instruments of God's will.

30 April 2015 at 14:45