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Blogger Karl said...

Are you alluding to Aragorn's maxim "The hasty stroke goes oft astray"?

May it be so. Though I am myself unable to discern any particular haste in the Dark Tower's current campaigns, just the usual relentlessness.

19 June 2017 at 00:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Karl - Yes, that's exactly what I am getting at.

Not many have pointed-out that the Labour Party, the official governmant opposition who came close to winning the election recently - are Now and for the first time led by Bolshevik (Trotskyite) Communist revolutionaries.

These, in various mutations and cover organisations mostly directly or covertly associated with the Socialist Workers Party - have been infiltrating and taking-over local parties, unions etc for decades - as I have personally experienced.

Now they have become the national leaders and are intending to do, this summer, exactly what they have done all over the country hundreds of times before - to escalate disputes, radicalise participant, and trigger the kind of chaos in which (as in 1917 - the hundredth anniversary of which has not escaped thiir notice) they hope to take over; after which they would immediately cement their position by the usual communist methods.

Being Leftists themselves (analogous to Mencheviks) the current political leadership class are atheist, weak, cowardly and demotivated; and cannot and will not resist decisively; and indeed they do not really even *want* to resist due to their sneaking admiration of extremist revolutionary versions of themselves (and they hope to get snug bureaucratic jobs in the hardline regime).

I really would not be surprised if there had been a revolutionary Leftist coup, within the next few weeks or months; although naturally it would be done dishonestly, in a deniable fashion.

19 June 2017 at 06:11

Blogger Rainforest Giant said...

They think they can harness their radicals as they always have. The official left has always supported their shock troops and murderers because they control the levers of power. The radicals got the fame and sometimes fortune and the leaders sat in their ivory towers enjoying the pain their pet rats have inflicted.

That works until the radicals reach for the levers of power themselves rather than just commit the crimes.

19 June 2017 at 17:48