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Blogger whiteknight32be said...

Sadly only (maybe) one percent of the global population can (or is willing) to understand what you wrote and less than one percent of those people again are willing to act spiritually.

With 1 out of 10.000 people "doing what could help", the world's situation hardly can be improved. Maybe the one and only thing we can do (if we're one out of those 0.01%) is act spiritually on an individual basis?

10 October 2023 at 09:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@wk - I disagree. One person makes a spiritual difference - and that difference can be decisive. We can't predict it.

10 October 2023 at 11:23

Blogger whiteknight32be said...

I think so too that a time of crisis can be an opportunity to make a spiritual difference and to advance spiritually. And it is true, one person càn have a spiritual influence and change the world even. Prediction of such an affect is not possible indeed.

Maybe my "numbers" were not quite right, but I still believe that the movement we see today - in the general public's attitude, spiritual and other - is rather moving towards "evil" than towards "good". And in my opinion technology is for a large part but not exclusively the culprit. That's what I have been witnessing, personally, for half a century.

Personal experiences always differ of course, from one person to another.

12 October 2023 at 08:31