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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous a Finn said...

Your most important article, especially the part about Byzantine orthodoxy. A victory song:

"That you drove away the slavery,
And that you did not bend under oppression,
Your day has come, O land of birth."

Practical examples of Byzantine processes would be useful in the future articles.


- System consists of predictable and on average fairly stable and permanent processes; mostly little adjustments and changes are done here and there, mostly according to predetermined formulas. Thus the system means relative permanence of processes; relative permanence of positions connected to them; relative permanence of people or types of people connected to those positions; and relative similarity of interests connected to those positions, both in particular fields and in the system in general. This allows three types of secular corruptions:

1) Outsiders know their own interests and they can relate and connect predictably those interests to the predictable processes, positions, people (e.g. PC bureaucrats), etc. in the system. Outsiders use money, power, advice, intellectual manipulation, collective action, personal close relations, etc. to bribe, influence, manipulate etc. the system to their favor.

2) People working for the system know individually and collectively, in whole or in part their interests and can influence, manipulate, bribe, "correct", adjust, etc. the system to their favor. Individually these interest might be fairly harmless, i.e. perhaps mildly harmful, but collectively they create serious problems and they have the tendency veer out of control, also more or less out of control of the people working for the system.

3) The abstractly defined processes of the system have unintended consequences, and their development through time, interaction between them and interaction between the system and it's environment, competing systems, groups and individuals create further corruptions. Processes of the system can't react to these and change accordingly even if people steering them wanted to (and mostly they don't want), because parts of the system and it's processes are interconnected according to formulas and schematized information about events, peoples, histories, developments, predictions etc., and changing one process significantly would require changing every interconnected part in the whole system every time one part requires it (impossible).

Thus secular system = unavoidable corruption in the system increasing as a function of time.

- Secular right, by demanding impartial processes, which are dependent on the system and it's bureaucracies/ de facto bureaucracies are doomed to lose, because:

a) There are no such thing as impartial processes and system (referring to the previous points).

b) Interests of those who would regulate, observe, influence (it doesn't work without influence in practice) and punish subjects in the "impartial" system are by definition above the subjects in power and possibilities. Their relation to the system is arranged in such a way that their interests automatically point towards abstract altruism ---> their direction of automatic degeneration, no matter what is the starting point and situation, no matter who are the people starting this system, no matter what is the constitution, processes and laws of such system. These interests are as automatic as the general interests of private entrepreneurs below the highest status and highest wealth entrepreneurs. The highest status/wealth entrepreneurs can't go much up, but they can go all the way down, so they have a tendency to collaborate with bureaucracies and the state to make the situation static and to prevent entrepreneurs under them from displacing them. Thus they favor and support big state and big bureaucracies.

Continued ...

28 November 2010 at 21:50

Anonymous a Finn said...

Part 2.

- What is the thinking of the abstract altruist system like? How it sees the people and environment around it? What are the limits it perceives? Slightly metaphorical language, but deadly serious.

a) The present liberal PC system is an inversion of the sovereignty.

Sovereignty was the only truly individualized, permanent and visible person in the sovereignty system. Other people, subjects, had an intermittent and partial existence, and versatile existence when they were taxed, punished in spectacles, when they participated in celebrations and processes, when they gave services to the crown, etc.

The sovereignty is limited by other sovereignties at the borders. It generally expands by war.

The sovereignty targets mainly bodies, and through and with the help of them, minds, e.g. the spectacle of public execution, lasting impact on minds, increases the internalization of power relations. This makes discontinuous power more continuous.

In the present liberal system the power is opaque or invisible, omnipresent, deindividualized (not dependent on any particular individual), omniseeing, continuous, etc. The people, the subjects are fully and permanently individualized, they are always visible to the power. They go automatically, starting from the birth, through system's stages, progressions, and processes, during which they are recorded; divided into classes, types and categories; measured, assessed, defined and written into various schematized universally applicable and accessible stories; observed, punished, rewarded, guided, taught and influenced. All these have a tendency to become more finely defined and divided, and more finely realized in the processes. The subjects are continually and permanently surrounded by ectoplasm of numbers and words, from birth to death.

Liberal PC system targets mainly the minds of it's subjects, but it's ultimate purpose are docile, obedient, and coherently (according to the systems rules and definitions) functioning and cooperating bodies.

The limits of abstract altruist system are the outliers, the unassimilated, the dysfunctional, the unknown, etc., i.e. anything that is outside it's normal distributions or inoperable with them. System thinks through these distributions. The normal distributions (I am not referring to the shape of the Bell curve, but it's position), the basic distributions, in Western countries are the whites, their quantities and qualities, and others are compared to this baseline. Distributions are the food of the system, the system needs distribution foods to be able to function. The baseline distributions of whites are the basic amount of basic food, needing just basic upholding, maintaining and corrections. Whites don't provide much extra work outside normal, whites are insipid. The system wants more abundant, nutritious and delicious foods; seriously dysfunctional and inoperable distributions, which need perhaps permanent assiduous extra work (work provides livelihood/ money, status, careers, etc.); corrections; normalizing; process adjustments and regulations; new processes; etc. The system constantly searches, sucks into itself and secures new unassimilated and dysfunctional distribution foods. System constantly recycles everything towards normal distributions.

At the same time the system is dependent on whites' resources. Whites can refuse to give the resources. And at the same time system thinks it is or is above the whites in status and power. This combination (basic low calorie distributions of whites + dependency on whites' reaources + the threat of whites withholding the resources and subverting the system + higher perceived status and power) creates the system's pathological hatred towards whites.

Continued ...

28 November 2010 at 21:53

Anonymous a Finn said...

Part 3.

Thus the rational thinking of the system is at the level of insect, which is compulsively and constantly hungry for new distributions and hates whites pathologically. We are ruled by a huge insect that hates us. It doesn't have any morality, any positive feelings towards us, any limits on it's possible negative behavior. If and when it does something to whites, which those whites think is good, it is because the system has to do so to uphold the system. The system strives towards independence from whites with various methods, including so called race replacement by mass immigration. Immigrants are on average more dependent on the system than whites and the system less dependent on immigrants. If and when the system reaches such situation that it can somehow acquire enough resources to it's extravagance without whites and feels secure without whites, mass murders of whites by the system are possible.

This is aggravated by the nature of the system/bureaucracy; it's functions and processes are divided into fairly small impersonal, fairly abstract and distant (distant from the people) tasks. This reduces the feeling of responsibility, feeling of morality, feeling of positive emotional attachment towards the targets of it's functions, and reduces contact surface with the mass murdering (In matter of fact bureaucracies can externalize the whole mass murdering). According to researcher Stanley Milgram, these kinds of conditions makes mass murdering easier and more likely.

This is the crowning achievement of secular science and secular bureaucracies; hateful insect system, inclined toward tyranny.

This is why we must remove the present system, and create a "system" without a system.

This is part of the reason why we whites must kneel down in front of God, repent and change our ways.

28 November 2010 at 21:55

Anonymous a Finn said...


More accurately, the added word is surrounded by stars: "... collectively they create serious problems and they have the tendency veer out of control, also more or less out of control of the *individual* people working for the system."

I wrote: "In the present liberal system the power is opaque or invisible, omnipresent, deindividualized (not dependent on any particular individual), omniseeing, continuous, etc. The people, the subjects are fully and permanently individualized, they are always visible to the power."

- More accurately: Omniseeing system and always visible people means that the system is nearly omniseeing in ways that are important to the system. The system knows almost all the persons born into the system and records them with social security numbers etc.; the system records almost all the firms in the system and knows approximately or close to accurately how much they must pay taxes; the system knows the progression and school results of almost all the students; etcetera.

29 November 2010 at 00:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Thanks. Some valuable points here for future consideration.

29 November 2010 at 05:39