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Blogger BC said...

If we assume "sin no more" is not a later edit, would it not simply imply we should always be trying not to sin? I think the message is simply the traditional Christian interpretation that we should strive to "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" in the context of Love as you discuss.

Though of course this is *also* an impossible standard in the same vein as "sin no more" - but didn't Jesus often speak in extremes to make a point?

19 October 2023 at 22:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BC - You probably need to know something of the way I read the Bible to appreciate my point here (see link to Lazarus Writes, and the introductory section of that book)

My belief is that Jesus precisely did NOT tell Men to be perfect, nor expect it (and therefore the Matthew quote is erroneous). Jesus's essential is that All Men are sinners, sinning in many-many ways, all the time, every day.

Jesus came to save *sinners*, not perfect Men; nor Men engaged on the futile quest for perfection. Salvation is for everyone who follows Jesus - so that "follow" is what we need to understand.

That notion of striving against all sins to be perfect would leave no time for anything else in life; and would still fail just as completely as if the attempt was not made (as all the greatest saints affirm - they know themselves to be the greatest of sinners).

By sin, Jesus did not mean moral transgressions, but all of the ways in which mortal Men are out-of-line with divine creation, with God's will for us; and by sin he also meant the death that terminates every mortal life - so in that sense too, all Men are sinners.

To follow Jesus through death to resurrection and Heaven, entails that we are prepared to leave-behind *all* our sins, even the tiniest ways in which we are not in harmony with an eternal life led in accordance with love. Jesus achieved this in mortal life, which is why He, and He alone, can serve as the Saviour.

But nobody else can even get near sinlessness - we are not designed to do this, do not even fully desire to do it, and this world is not able to sustain it because all will die. But by desiring that one thing - to follow Jesus - none of that ultimately matters; and anybody capable of love can be saved from death: IF they want and choose to be saved.

20 October 2023 at 11:32

Blogger a_probst said...

"Mom! Put that stone down! I'm trying to make a point here!"

A Catholic joke.

20 October 2023 at 21:06

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Sharkley - Maybe so, maybe not!

But we should not put our faith in "Biblical Scholarship" either way - since that is to privilege secular (God-excluding) discourse. 250 years of experience have demonstrated that this leads away from Jesus, not to a truer understanding.

Far better to experience the text/s for- and from- ourselves with the fullest possible innate divine discernment we possess (potentially) as children of God - and with guidance of the Holy Ghost by direct apprehension.

That way we will - over time, so long as our motivations are genuine - get Good from whatever the provenance of a text may be. And set aside whatever written sources are unhelpful or harmful to salvation and theosis - no matter how anciently they may have been composed, or how accurately and faithfully transcribed.

1 November 2023 at 17:11