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Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

William Wildblood has left a comment:

Such people as JK Rowling see that one particular fruit is bad but they don't see that the whole tree needs to be chopped down for the poison goes right to the roots. That's where it comes from.

16 December 2021 at 12:46

Blogger Ron Tomlinson said...

One of the clarifying things about this blog for me is the idea of leftism as a package deal. I hope more and more people will come to see it this way, though J.K.Rowling presumably won't. Questioning the birdemic projections might lead to criticising climate models. Criticising the trans business could change people's minds about feminism. And so on. One risks becoming a full-fledged unpecked knee-refusing pronoun-withholding climate denier!

16 December 2021 at 16:41

Blogger Stephen Macdonald said...

Bruce I've always understood that there are bona fide cases of gender dysphoria. Ideally we would treat these people with and love and compassion, and try to provide treatment for their delusions rather than indulging and "celebrating" them as the evil Left demands. To be the trans phenomenon represents a diabolical exploitation of people who need intense therapy -- and the Love of Christ.

16 December 2021 at 21:52

Anonymous Lady Mermaid said...

JK Rowling seems to be one of those 1990s era liberals. What would have been normal and respectable at the time of the publishing of the first Harry Potter book is now seen as reactionary and bigoted. It's scary how far left the establishment has become from even ten years ago. I remember Barack Obama's 2008 campaign that marriage was between one man and one woman. That would be considered far right even for GOP candidates today,

While many still hope to return to the 1990s liberalism, I agree w/ William Wildblood that the whole tree needs to be uprooted. It isn't that much of a leap to deny any biological sex differences to then say that gender itself is a construct. The heart of leftism is egalitarianism. If everybody is to be equal, then individuality is completely erased. Equality is a demonic destruction of creation.

I hope that Ron Tomlinson is correct that more people will begin to question the entire leftist project as some of the cracks begin to show.

17 December 2021 at 01:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nova "who need intense therapy" - That is rather jumping ahead and assuming that therapy 'works', which it may not. But the point is that the trans beliefs are a pathology, just as much as the delusions of someone with a diagnosis such as schizophrenia or mania. Whether any particular thing ('treatment', 'therapy') could or should be 'done about' a pathological belief is a secondary and further issues. For me the point is that pathological beliefs cannot coherently be regarded identically with publically shared beliefs - and when they are publicly enforced, incoherence is being forced-into the civilizational structures, which can only be destructive (and, obviously, is).

17 December 2021 at 05:41

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The public schools are being funded to teach this stuff. Institutional LEFTism is spending money that is worth less by the year because the last budgets never fixed any of the issues of the day. LEFTist International is deliberately destroying children and the original founding nativists of its countries because it has never been able to deliver anything but coddling individuals from reality. Ignorance is always in the majority, which is why democracy has been seen as absurb by even the most brutal of tyrannical individualism.

Children certainly need others of their kind around them to develop as persons, although I would disagree in the strictly annual age segregation that American schools feature as pertains to the introduction of learning. The adults in the room too often have motivations of the basest natures, simply said, nobody earns anything, nobody knows anything, and nobody can be anything without taking from others or sought for as a group. Bless Us.

17 December 2021 at 15:55