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Anonymous David said...

"6. meditation will eventually have to become an integral part of those aspects of life which at first seem most foreign to it -this, I do not fully understand, probably because..." 

Perhaps this is a comment by Arkle aiming at something like a permanent expansion and growth of one's consciousness that we might also label as 'final participation.' As immature beings, meditation is a practice (albeit a personal and necessarily individual one) which enables us to foster the harmonisation of several stands of awareness -physical, mental (including rational, emotional and intuitive components) and spiritual - but also with a omnipresent metaphysical framework which enables a clear experience of reality unpolluted by error or, as with modern amputated forms of 'mindfulness,' an amputation of valid methods or 'content' but from a clear meaningful or purposive 'form' to meditative practice. I speculate that the reason that Arkle sees meditation as a 'theotic' path to integration of the 'foreign' with every day life, might be because once the learning process is complete the 'foreign' way of perceiving reality more fully becomes habitual and then second nature with practice.

It is rather like learning a rote motor skill. At first playing the major scale on a guitar in several positions on the fret - board is clunky, prone to error and 'alien' but with practice it becomes fluid, intuitive and a point is eventually reached when the scales may be applied creatively to produce melodies and harmonies or to 'play' with other musicians to *create* music. This is the aimed at point for theosis, self - conscious meditation would no longer be required once the apprentice achieves a sufficient degree of mastery and similarly advanced spiritual initiates would be able to instantaneously share a congruent set of insights into spiritual reality (once they are 'tuned in' to the same frequency). The difference being what one might imagine the harmony of two angels in accord or two souls in heaven communicating without words but complete understanding and unity of purpose (perhaps doing something as simple as watching a sunset together) or the discord or misunderstandings of what reality is, or even the denial in any potential objectivity of reality, that we find all the time in mortal life and the profound difficulties this engenders like the stroke of a butterflies wings eventually causing a tsunami. If a harmonisation of perception of reality were achieved (necessarily a metaphysical harmony) many of the problems facing humanity would fall away completely.

13 March 2016 at 11:34