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Blogger Luqman said...

Unfortunately, the spell does not last. By about the last third the books have completed a turn towards fanfic quality. The characteristic of minute detail eventually becomes intolerable, but it is more the sense that you are no longer being guided by a good man that really affects it. Sanderson managed to salvage the work though it remains, somewhat ironically, grievously wounded. After being delighted by the breadth of Jordan's construction it leaves a sour taste in your mouth, but I suppose it is still worth it for the good qualities it has.

I suspect that Sanderson's Way of Kings was inspired by Wheel of Time in its scale and "completeness".

18 June 2017 at 15:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@L - It is a difficult and rare thing to finish a book - or series of books - well. But even if I agree with your evaluation at the end, I am grateful for what I have experienced so far.

18 June 2017 at 20:11