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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

We should also understand that the "punishment from God" was the result of God providing us with blessings (life, awareness, and freedom) which we, because of our own moral defects, were certain to lose. But the existential terror we feel over the inevitability of losing these things is proof that God provided them according to our desire, what was insufficient was our own grace to conserve them.

To a person who genuinely felt no desire to be alive, aware, and free, the prospect of losing these things could bring no fear or dread. Our feeling of being 'punished' by the loss is thus proof that we have been blessed beyond our capacity to retain.

Christ's redemptive transformation of our moral framework, to offer from His grace the strength of will to make us worthy, is thus a gift that crowns and completes gifts we have already received, for which wisdom would have us be grateful. We are of course free to reject this gift, it is not imposed against our will. The key to the love Jesus taught us was respect and nurture of freedom, including the freedom to reject His love.

If we can learn to feel the love of Jesus for us, and be inspired to reciprocate, we are then on the path of showing that love to each other, as Christ commanded. This pure, divine love will move us as spontaneously, yet perfectly, as it led His exemplary life.

27 November 2017 at 13:23

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

What change in the universe do you think Jesus effected?

27 November 2017 at 18:28

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WmJas - Nothing controversial (at least, not to Mormons)! That Jesus changed reality such that he enabled Men to become fully divine.

Part of being fully divine is the divine mode of consciousness - of being a free agent, of being aware of oneself as a source of love, evaluation and (sub-) creation.

Before Christ - Man received and objeyed, it was a spiritual childhood; Christ initiated the spiritual adolescence of Man.

(Each man and Men are intrinsically linked - over time; agent individuals have incrementally 'condensed' or 'solidified' from a groupishness of being - which we may remember from childhood. In sum, the group - Man - came first; individual men came later - noting that the two (man and Man) are distinguished but not separable, both are always and necessarily present - but the dominance of one or other is possible. What we now have, in the modern West, is a denial of the reality of (what was first and original): group consciousness - But group consciousness is there, always, and inevitably.)

I emphasise this as the 'Cosmic' aspect of Christ, to bring-out that some very substantial part of what he did, did *not* rely on people knowing about it; and affected everybody from then onwards.

i.e. This is not revelation - it was a change in the structture of reality.

28 November 2017 at 06:33