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Blogger The Anti-Gnostic said...

Now, exactly because modern consciousness is cut-off and self-conscious; the thought forms generated by our attention and chosen source of motivation, are unique and individually-tailored.

Each person's positive, God-aligned, thought form is (by analogy) high in density, resistant to subverting influences, and in its motion powered by that which our deepest intuitions tell us is true, beautiful and virtuous.

An individual thought form can therefore work like a knife whose edge can penetrate through any amount of the toxic gaseous influences of mega-mass ideology.

In other words; our positive personal thought form - when motivated by faith and harmonious with divine creation - can 'beat' a whole world of shifting negations.

Isn't this the Nietzchean ubermensch? The wholly integral and harmonious, ecstatic being?

27 April 2023 at 02:39

Blogger The Anti-Gnostic said...

And the next step, how is this plan of salvation--the wholly integral, ecstatic and harmonious being--transmitted to the masses in the form of a hopeful message? The competitor right now is wokenism which, as we all know on this side of the divide, is nihilism and chaos.

This needs to be figured out quick.

27 April 2023 at 02:47

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@A-G - Your questions apparently come from Totally different assumptions than mine.

So - No - this conceptualization is not (and is unrelated to) Nietzsche's superman; and there is zero possibility of me or anyone else 'transmitting' this (or any other true and good) idea to the masses as a hopeful message; and any attempt to do so will certainly be subverted and inverted by the mass media necessary for mass transmission.

27 April 2023 at 06:39