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Anonymous Alexeyprofi said...

Buddhism is bringing the ideas of Hinduism to the limit. In Hinduism, the current life is determined by karma. Nothing happens just like that, everything happens for some sins or good deeds in a past life. But how far does this chain go? Buddhism claims that it has no beginning, but only the unfolding of the laws of karma. The same with God. In Hinduism, its role is passive, and it is not explained how our world came from it at all, and whether there is any meaning in it. The very consciousness of this god is empty and he is almost dead (except for the possibility of self-realization through people who aware of him, but that's my note). Therefore, in Buddhism, it was replaced with nirvana, removing everything that is not necessary for the purposes of the posthumous semi-conscious (Buddhists believe that bliss awaits them) existence

28 June 2022 at 12:23

Blogger Lucinda said...

It seems to me that part of the goal of this mortal life is to help us learn how to resist the corruption consequent to power that you mentioned in a previous post. If we resist Christian/spiritual transformation, then the power will corrupt us. The entropy and dying -ness of mortal life seems to be a way to help us see, as quickly as practicable, that the power we gain as embodied and individual beings, is corrupting us.

Oneness teaching is the 'wrong' lesson to be learned, because it teaches that power and desire themselves are bad, like a bad parent setting their child up for failure so the child will become demoralized and dependent. Leftism, on the other hand, embraces the power with corruption. To them, power is good, so the consequent corruption is good.

Christianity is the only way to embrace power and escape corruption, through the transformation... To be continued.

29 June 2022 at 13:23