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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

Gotta point out this mote here, "Our new and improved metaphysics may simply be an aspiration; our true belief (that which we live by )" that which we expressly condemn (is what I guess it's supposed to say).

My problem is not so much that I find it easier to see other's motes than my own beams but that nobody wants to hear about my beams. Not people trying to be good, and especially not people trying to pretend goodness while actually being bad.

The only people who have any real patience for hearing about my beams are people who are so perfect in wickedness that it wraps around and becomes justice in God's sight. That's a very narrow audience. It always makes a clerical confession peculiarly funny if I don't reign it in and cast my sins in a less theologically challenging perspective. I try to pull back at the "I'm not sure I want to understand what this guy is confessing" stage, but sometimes I take them to the point of "I'm sure there was something I was desperate not to understand, but since I now don't understand anything I can't remember what it was."

I'll admit that I'm a bad enough person to find both kinda funny, the first more in a bitter vein.

24 November 2017 at 01:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CCL - It is probably psychologically harder to acknowledge the beams that other people point-out than the ones we choose to confess.

24 November 2017 at 06:06