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Blogger Michael Dyer said...

Knowing is the right word. Both in and out if the church it is confused with feeling and "irrational" thought. It has more in common with sight. I believe the gospel works like this, people hear it and if only briefly "know". For the materialist man this has to be misclassified as a feeling to explain it and preserve the illusion of materialism.

It also does violence to emotion to view as merely a biological storm in the brain. John Eldredge correctly identified the heartless nature of modern Christian practice. Rightly ordered there may be strong emotions in times of spiritual sight, but their source is in a direct response to the sight.

The church itself is right to be concerned about emotional currents that have their source in fancy as opposed to knowledge but has over corrected. I think we suffer from a unique blindness brought on by hearts that have been deadened by our refusal to see what we see and know what we know. I can't tell you the number of times in my own life and the lives of Christians I know where they sensed something was very wrong, but other Christians have been at the forefront of telling them they don't see what they see or know what they know.

24 June 2017 at 14:05

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Michael - I'm very pleased that you understood what I was getting at - I find it difficult to make myself clear on this.

It has to be our real self which knows - but when it does, then we know that we know!

On the other hand, I suspect that some/ many people never get this; because they never get behind the false selves to where their real (and divine) self is to be found.

One thing I get from this thinking is that there really is a way-out from the current world situation, the apparent triumph of evil in the spiritual warfare - and the 'answer' lies on the plane of experience of real knowing and the consequences.

I can't be more specific - but it gives me a solid basis of hope.

24 June 2017 at 14:20

Blogger Jane Wrigg said...

I feel that you re correct, but I am part of the mass of people who don't know how to access the spirit reality, even thought I want to. But wanting to doesn't seem to be enough. I am alienated from the world as it is in the every day 'reality' that we inhabit. I don't belong, and I don't want to belong. I loathe most of my fellow human beings, or at least, I loathe their herd behaviour, and at the same time I pity them. I'm not a child, this is not teen rejection and a mass of hormones. I've felt like this since I was young, and now I'm getting old. Sometimes escape happens when I least expect it. An act of goodness, a walk in the sun, some chance happening that lifts me up for a moment. It never lasts. But it is times like this when there seems to be purpose, direction, and a plan, and I know that I am in it somehow, and that there is a standing invitation to participate more. There is a magic door that if only I could find it, would open to me easily, but I never find it. An image that demonstrates what I mean is when Dorothy opens the door from the black and white film Kansas house, and sees the technicolor world of Oz for the first time. The feeling of utter awe and intense joy I felt as a youngster watching the film for the first time is the sort of feeling that sometimes grips me as an adult. And those are the times that I feel real. Why can't I feel this all the time? If I could feel it permanently, I would know that I had come home.

24 June 2017 at 19:07

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JW - My point here is that we all have within us that divinity which can cure our alienation - at least for some of the time; but at this phase of our destiny we should not expect to re-live the enchanted but passive world of childhood. We have already done that.

We are intended for a different, more active spirituality in which we knowingly (instead of unknowingly, as in childhood) participate in the creation of reality - not arbitrarily, but participate consciously in accordance with universal reality.

(Terminology from Owen Barfield.)

We need to stop regarding reality as something out-there that we merely perceive with our senses; and start acknowledging that it includes our-selves; and reality to be found in real-true-divine thinking, not in perception.

25 June 2017 at 07:21