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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger David Balfour said...

As a slight aside on this post, what is your position wrt the NHS? Do you see it as a good thing in principle on ideological grounds ie the provision of free health care? Or do you favour privatisation as the conservatives are allegedly doggedly trying to covertly (and overtly) to undermine the currently ailing system? It has been my observation in recent months that many, predominantly social sector employees including many or most doctors (especially younger ones), nurses and other allied health care professionals, have been persuaded that the current labour party are the only option politically that will prioritise the future longevity of the NHS. Many of these people appear to be disaffected convervative converts who have been persuaded by the political rhetoric that the conservatives are callous, heartless capitalists who continue to undermine and weaken the health and education systems to breaking point. It is hard to explain their passionate convictions as stupid based on the pre-requisite intellectual calibre one imagines is necessary to be doctors, nurses, university lecturers, etc. And so that tends to suggest to me that they are either wrong by virtue of their having been decieved or they are 'voting with their feet' as a passionate expression of their support of an imagined ideal free health care system, when really the political options on the table exclude other legitimate political positions. The current situation is that if you believe in voting, which most people do (and you are clearly highly exceptional in that regard) then there is a 'you can have any colour you like as long as it is black!' Fordian position.

21 June 2017 at 17:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - The NHS is a bad way to provide health services - in effective, inefficient, not even trying to do the right things. It is a vast Soviet Union Command Economy, and completely unreformable. But describing an alternative blueprint is futile.

21 June 2017 at 17:24