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Blogger Matias F. said...

I also find this perplexing. It seems to me that for the people to lose their belief in the inevitability and desirability of leftism, a disaster so large would be required that 90 % of the people would rather just die than try to cope with the new reality. The fall of leftism will be much worse than the fall of the Soviet Union.
The remaining 10 % might be "right wing" but I wouldn't call that outcome winning.

16 June 2017 at 18:40

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Matias - Indeed. As well as us being far advanced on a sure road to totalitarianism, there seems to be such a deep and pervasive spiritual peril - the self-chosen damnation of so many people...

Yet, as you say, to stop and reverse this trend will certainly be a societal catastrophe. It seems we are by now way too late in repenting for any of the pleasant this-world options to be realistic.

I continue to hope that there are, or will be, unperceived or out-of-the-system factors that may make things much better than calcualtion suggests; but on the other hand, the End Times will sooner or later come to an end; and the prophecies do sound horrific.

16 June 2017 at 20:31