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Blogger Lucinda said...

The founding visionary experience in the BoM is Lehi's dream. It correlates very nicely to what you have said about heaven-belongers vs. those stuck in the system. The system is described as a great and spacious building with no foundation and heaven-belonging is centered on a tree of life whose delicious fruit is the pure love of God. Most of the people are following paths leading to one or the other, or into lost places.

My main reading this past year has been the BoM with my children and this blog, and I often experienced strong serendipity combining the teachings from both for the benefit of my children.

And this speaks to the main point in your post, that often the correlated interaction between two distinct (and godly) sources conveys powerful understanding and encouragement. It is my belief that this is the primary purpose of scripture, to provide for these encouraging synchronous experiences. Regarding scripture as infallible is getting "bogged-down on trying to interpret the specific details of the content."

29 December 2021 at 14:20

Blogger Lucinda said...

I hope this doesn't come across as silly.

As a mom, I'm very interested in memory-making. Thinking further on the idea of synchronicity, I'm very interested in the ways that I have power to create a native spiritual language for my children. Especially, by my efforts in making happy memories and mental/emotional associations, I can set up synchronicity potential. A mom does this whether she decides to or not, since mothers' decisions have long-lasting subconscious influence (for good or ill) in the lives of their children.

Some of my spiritual experiences are like a remembering, and I think our Heavenly Mother created these memories in us, set up synchronicity potentials to help us through this sometimes lonely and alien journey.

One of the very sad things I see in modern women is a withholding of effort in this area because men do not 'share the load'. I could wish more women would embrace their eternal feminine power, especially as mothers, rather than the sham Feminism has given them.

30 December 2021 at 18:41