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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Kathleen said...

My head and heart were swimming in dismay after reading the “news” of the day about the latest attempts of demons to sow discord and to attempt to sell their evil plans as inevitable so why fight it. I wasn’t feeling despair but after awhile things can really weigh one down. Thank you for the reminder that we are here to love and to live a life of joy aligned with Gods plans for us.

21 April 2023 at 14:50

Anonymous JohnB said...

The more Evil that I see, and the greater the weight of the Evil bearing down upon my person; I do not find Myself despairing; although, it is fearful, indeed. What Christ requires from us is obvious, and from reading Scripture often I've constantly found strength.

As the Evil becomes more pernicious and less covert, calling it out is becoming something I do more freely. In addition to trying to pray and repent as much as possible, this seems to be the least I can do. Focus on His Kingdom. Have Faith. And this strength does indeed seem to come.

I don't know how I'll fare in the future, but I'm convinced that my Faith will always be an immense strength to me. To have come back to Christianity and to have examined it with Simplicity and to have Faith growing from day-to-day; that is something I cherish.

Dr. Charlton, your blog is a pleasant haven in all this Evil. God bless you. In particular, you point out something I am trying not to fall into from time-to-time: fighting Evil with Evil. A very important point lost on quite a lot of the "Dissident Right".

21 April 2023 at 16:50

Blogger Hagel said...


Like you, I contemplate the nature of good and evil, and I have read here that the ultimate goal of ultimate evil is to destroy as much as possible of creation: to destroy all else, and finally to destroy oneself as a final act of spite, reducing the world back to primordial chaos.

After thinking about it a little, I am inclined to disagree. There is perhaps an even lower level in the bottomless depth of depravity.

It would be more evil and spiteful against creation to keep some things around, just so they can be tormented and corrupted; to create new things in order to destroy them, and especially to create beings with the potential for good, but to then corrupt them, negating that potential.

Perhaps I am projecting, and perhaps I don't truly understand evil, but I want to understand it, so I ask you: What do you think?

21 April 2023 at 20:38

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@K and JB - Thanks for your comments

@H - I suppose that the desire to torment etc, will lead to destruction - sooner or later.

21 April 2023 at 21:42