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"Spook spirituality"


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Blogger William Wildblood said...

This is an important post. Many people jump out of establishment (controlled) religion into spirituality of some sort thinking they have found a more authentic source of truth. Unfortunately for them, many forms of spirituality, and certainly the more successful ones, are equally controlled and equally compromised. But this just means that we have to rely on ourselves more which is as it should be. Relying on yourself should be checked and balanced by both tradition and evolutionary development so that it doesn't become self-indulgent or mired in illusion and fantasy but this is what God is calling us to now. Spiritual responsibility.

23 October 2023 at 11:38

Anonymous Phil Camp said...

During the Renaissance, courtiers traveled all over Europe & kept their eyes open & made contacts. Today this is called NOC (Non Official Cover). Dr. John Dee, court astrologer to Elizabeth I, was one such. He was an eminent mathematician & scientist, so he had lots of contacts & a great cover. He developed mathematical ciphers & used them, which are the keystone of modern spycraft. He used the nickname 007 in his secret messages.
He was also one of Europe's foremost magicians, introducing the angelic language w/ a 36 letter alphabet (called "Enochian" & still used today).
So what you describe goes back a long way.
It actually makes perfect sense when you realize that spooks & sorcerers are in the same business, secret knowledge.

23 October 2023 at 13:49

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - Thanks!

@Phil - Good points. But we also need to remember that modern spirituality is rather differently structured than it was 400 years ago, and works by rather different mechanisms.

23 October 2023 at 14:39