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Blogger Jane Wrigg said...

To do that, every person would have to become, first, a Wilsonian outsider. and then struggle to find a way forward, cross the abyss, and find that the answer was God all along. That is a hard ask of most people. It will not happen. What we can rely on is that God will answer the anguished cry to him when there is real suffering. Very many people, including those who think of themselves as atheists, cry out to God instinctively when they feel all hope is gone. It is at these moments that there is sudden honesty and clarity. People know that there is a God, even if for a moment only. Forever afterwards, even when 'the real world' kicks in again, people who have cried out to God in terror, never really fully disbelieve again.

14 June 2017 at 20:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JW - If that happens - that's great. But it doesn't happen very often nowadays.

The other thing is that this blog is mostly read by Outsider types, otherwise they wouldn't read it. At any rate, it is such people that I feel the need to address.

14 June 2017 at 21:01