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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Yes, I guess I understand what you mean, but in practice I find it difficult to feel that I have a "personal relationship" with a historical figure known only through old books written in foreign languages. I "get" some historical figures, they "resonate" with me -- but that's not a relationship. I guess some sort of telepathic contact with the still-living Jesus is necessary and should be possible in principle, but I've never been able to achieve it.

24 June 2019 at 12:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WmJas - "I guess some sort of telepathic contact with the still-living Jesus is necessary and should be possible in principle, but I've never been able to achieve it."

Yes, that is exactly the *kind* of thing needed - i.e. a direct knowledge, here and now. My belief (from Steiner, Barfield, Arkle) is that most modern men can't (and aren't meant to) do telepathy/ mediumship/ visions anymore (at least not unless in an impaired state of consciousness) - for good and necessary reasons to do with the development of agency (we aren't free when we are dominated by perceptions/ visions/ voices, so need to move beyond them).

Much of this blog is about what we should *instead* be paying attention to - that which we just-know, which is in our stream of thinking, primary thinking, direct intuition, that about which we know in an unmediated fashion by 'sharing' of thinking.

This is already happening in us unconsciously, but we need to become aware of it explicitly, and acknowledge its validity.

I think that is how we know Jesus/ The Holy Ghost (which are the same thing) here and now and without reference to scripture or history (although valid scriptures can point the way, they are not strictly necessary).

24 June 2019 at 12:44

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

What I mean is that no mere knowledge of Jesus, whether direct or indirect, can amount to a relationship.

24 June 2019 at 13:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WmJas - You're adopting a too narrow definition of knowledge - I mean knowing directly that one has a relationship; like knowing that one loves one's wife, parent, sibling, child etc. This may be unconsciously present, or present and brought to consciousness.

24 June 2019 at 13:46