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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I read this post just minutes after reading Seijio Arakawa's Chaos and Cosmos, which makes almost exactly the same point. Those synchronicity fairies are at it again!

25 March 2015 at 04:23

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I turned my reply into today's blog post.

25 March 2015 at 05:45

Anonymous Nathan said...

@Wm - My Googling is failing. I can't find "Seijio Arakawa's Chaos and Cosmos" anywhere (the only result is this blog entry). Could you share more information about it?

30 March 2015 at 02:49

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nathan - It is here:

30 March 2015 at 12:16