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Blogger Jack said...

Personally I don't doubt that if humanity was truly spiritually pure, we'd be immortal. Furthermore, our spiritual purity would influence the plants and animals and they too would enjoy some form of immortality, freedom from death. I deny that animals killing and eating each other is part of the natural order of creation. That certainly isn't how Genesis portrays it, which says God gave us the fruits & herbs to eat before the fall. I remember reading somewhere about an ancient Chinese saying that the earth (the ground, the soil) is cursed; that the crops don't grow as they ought to. I think this is an effect of the fall and man's sin. If we all became saints, true saints, the impact on nature would be tremendous beyond our imagination. There are already accounts of saints having miraculous effects on animals, but that's only a brief glimpse. There are two reasons why animals (and humans) prey on each other: hunger & fear. In humanity's case, that is not just physical hunger but also hunger for power and wealth and status. Hunger & fear are predicated on death and survival from death, the so-called "scarcity" of nature (which isn't really natural). Death enters the world and suddenly we turn on each other, putting ourselves first, oppressing the weak, lording it over others, etc. If we were saints, the earth would be transformed again into paradise and the fruit would be so nutritious that we'd only have to wake up in the morning, walk up to a nearby tree, pick one fruit and that would satisfy us for the whole day. The reason meat-eating came to earth (besides the ritual and psychological element of it, the desire for sacrifice and domination etc.) was that the fruits no longer sustained us to our full strength. Lions and the like found they'd gain an upper hand eating other beasts than eating only the fruits & herbs. After generations of this, beasts became more savage. But this is not an irreversible process. The damage can be undone. All of this death and suffering is a reflection of the spiritual evil in the world, the power of Satan and those who serve him. The reason death exists is because the majority of us want it to exist; or, at least, we DON'T want the conditions that would overcome and defeat death. Look at that idea of paradise I just mentioned where one fruit can satisfy our hunger for the day, and fruit is super-abundant : what reason or opportunity would there be for lordship, superiority, excess wealth, class snobbery, ambition, etc., in a world like that? There wouldn't be a reason for us to fight and oppress and look down upon and sneer at each other anymore. Most people (especially those with any money or power) don't want that; so death remains. Death and scarcity are just a reflection of the miserableness of our spirits. An economy with not quite "enough to go around" delights us because it sets up the "ladder" where we can see the homeless down there at the bottom and us up here "better off". We love that more than life itself.

23 December 2021 at 09:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jack - Well, I am assuming that God is Good and our Father and Creator - therefore the 'basic design' of this earth derives from God and is sustained by God... And this earth is intrinsically entropic; such that mortality is universal, everything decays eventually etc - and this is what 'sin' means, essentially.

I therefore think we Need a fundamental (not superficial - e.g. to do with people's supposed 'wants') explanation of why this earth is 'entropic'.

This is related to what Jesus was saving us From; and why it was that Jesus was needed to save us from it, and why by being born as a Man and dying - rather than The Father saving us himself without need for such a strange sequence of events as the life of Jesus.

If Jesus is not essential, and God could have done it all; then it would seem that there is no reason for Christianity.

So I think Christians (specifically) 'need' to understand why this world is 'entropic' (death-dominated) in order to explain why Jesus was necessary to save us from death, and why nothing else but Jesus would suffice.

23 December 2021 at 12:37