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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Lucinda said...

I enjoyed reading this. Thanks.

15 June 2022 at 16:34

Blogger Francis Berger said...

"Freedom is not a physical but a spiritual attribute; and we cannot observe freedom if we deny the spiritual."

Well, that certainly hits the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned.

The interview excerpt made we wonder if Beuys had ever encountered The Meaning of the Creative Act because the conclusions he reaches mirror Berdyaev's to a great extent. Berdyaev refers to the material limitations that impose themselves on man as "necessity". As Beuys observes, the only way to overcome these limitations and be free is through spiritual creativity.

I think it's crucial to point out that the spiritual freedom man has the potential to employ via creativity is not the "created" freedom of traditional Christian doctrine but "real" freedom and agency over which God has either very limited or no control.

15 June 2022 at 16:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - Beuys was a scholar and advocate of Rudolf Steiner, and I can see Steiner's fingerprints in many of the ideas - which Beuys freely acknowledged. Beuys regarded himself (and Steiner) as in the German Romantic tradition - he named Goethe, Schiller, Novalis, and Hegel as among the precursors.

15 June 2022 at 17:16

Blogger Francis Berger said...

Well, that explains it then.

15 June 2022 at 17:33