Letters from our readers

Check out letters from those who agreed with us, and those who didn't, on ''Murphy Brown,'' Drew Barrymore, and Shelly Duvall

Letters from our readers

Murphy Brown is a wonderful role model for young women today. As a smart, outspoken, and assertive career woman, very much in charge of her own life, Murphy Brown sends a message that a woman doesn’t have to walk 10 steps behind her male coworkers. Perhaps that’s the message Dan Quayle is really worried about.
Diane Roth
Los Angeles

How embarrassing! In the Murphy Brown interview celebrating the great success of a TV series that champions women’s rights, a TV series whose lead character is an intelligent, independent woman at the peak of her career, you folks blow it in a photo caption identifying Janet Carroll’s character as ”Mrs. Jim Dial.” Corky’s husband is listed as ”Will Forrest.” Why do husbands get to be human beings, while wives are merely appendages? ”Mrs. Jim Dial’s” first name, by the way, is Doris.
Pat Whitten
New York City

Thank you! As a PLWA (person living with AIDS), what a relief to forget all I’m going through, for 30 minutes on Monday watching Murphy Brown. This show gives me what medication can’t — it makes me feel good and alive.
Guy Carswell
Orlando, Fla.

Holding The Fort
Thank you for your almost perfect story on living in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Yes, Fort Greene is home to many young artists, but what you failed to point out is that the true Fort Greeners are the ones who came into the neighborhood 15 or 20 years ago, purchased and renovated those glorious brownstones, swept the streets and parks, won landmark status for the area, and forged the foundation for the newcomers. The impression your story left is that Fort Green is a terrific ”Stopping off place,” merely for the young, single, and childless. Let me assure you, ours is a neighborhood where hundreds of residents have stayed, putting down roots raising families, and providing the stabilized environment that helps all these struggling artists pursue their craft. We real Fort Greener just don’t want to fall into the ”Christopher Columbus trap” — being discovered when we were here all along.
Joyce Agard-Jones

Kiss Off
I thought Drew Barrymore was fairly mature until I read of her calling Poison Ivy costar Tom Skerrit ”an elderly man.” But then, anyone who would giggle at having to participate in a stage kiss is not quite grown up.
Julia Rose
San Diego

Ode to Shelley
Your article “Shelly Vision” was an insightful look at one of one of Hollywood’s true professionals. Shelley Duvall has used her power in the media to send a positive message to all our children.
Myron Miller
Enfield, Conn.

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