Mail from our readers

Check out letters from those who agreed with us, and those who didn't, on ''Nurse Betty'''s Renee Zellweger, ''Grinch'''s Jim Carrey, and more

Mail from our readers

EW readers got into the giving spirit early, inspired by our Holiday Movie Preview (#569, Nov. 17). Our list of possible Oscar nominees prompted support for Nurse Betty‘s Renee Zellweger. ”She surely deserves your praises,” writes Holly Joyce of Pittsfield, Mass. And Baltimore’s Kim Phillips offered a cheer to artist Mark Ryden for his Grinch illustration: ”[He’s] a genius!” But Rush fans felt Tom Sinclair deserved a lump of coal for his pan of Geddy Lee’s solo CD. ”Rush has been around for 30 years, and he calls [them] ‘the most annoying power trio in rock’ ?” asks Tom Diaz from Fort Worth. Sounds like someone has the holiday blues.

Holiday In
Re your holiday movie preview: Do [previews] like this every season! The interviews were informative, interesting, well-written, and brief. The quickie summaries of major films were even better — no more hunting through six-point type to figure out what’s debuting and whether I should care. This issue was a real pleasure.
Idria Barone Knight

Regarding ”Green Wiseacre” in the Holiday Movie Preview: Jim Carrey with a Sean Connery accent? Naah! He’s a dead ringer for Richard Nixon — perfect for a character with a heart two sizes too small.
Phyllis Dorcas
Waverly, Kan.

Were Glenn Close and 102 Dalmatians all you could come up with for your cover? Either your magazine skews to a readership that is younger than I anticipated, or we’re in for a ”poopie” holiday season.
Marc Kleiman
Warwick, Pa.

Words to Watch
I enjoy reading EW every week, but I need to give you a poor mark for your Nov. 17 issue. Your preview of the new George Clooney movie, titled ”Clooney Bin: On Location With the Nutsy O Brother, Where Art Thou?,” was a poor reflection on your professional standards. You don’t need me to lecture you on the number of people in both the U.S. and Canada who are striving to recover from mental illness and the social stigma associated with it. As journalists, you should be only too aware of the power of language.
Jonathan Oldman
Canadian Mental Health Association Vancouver, Canada

Out on a Limb
Re ”I Got You, Bob?”: In my opinion, a main reason ”the times we live in have less value than Bob Dole’s useless arm” is partly due to the low moral values of entertainers like Cher. Regardless of what Hollywood Elite Democrats like Cher think of Dole’s politics, the rudeness and insensitivity in her ”useless arm” lyric belittle a World War II veteran who risked his life for our freedom… and freedom of speech. She should be ashamed.
Alex Lawrence
Los Angeles

Perhaps you left off your list of places to buy books because the site sells ”used” books, but it was a big mistake on your part. is the single greatest site to buy books on all the Web, and I can personally say I have received many books rated ”like new” that were indeed brand spanking new and below half price. I definitely go gift shopping there, and it is the first place I look for any book.
Liz Rizzo
Tallahassee, Fla.

We like hearing from our readers. Write to us at Please include your address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity or length.

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