Dixie Chicks rule album chart for third straight week

Dixie Chicks rule album chart for third straight week. Avril Lavigne climbs to her highest spot yet, landing at No. 2

Did anyone actually go to the record store this week? In a lackluster week that saw no new records entering the top 10 of the Billboard album chart, the Dixie Chicks’ ”Home” reigned for the third straight week, selling another 214,325 copies, according to SoundScan. The record has sold some 1.3 million copies since its release three weeks ago, but this week’s figures mark a drop of more than 40 percent from last week, which in turn marked a drop of more than 50 percent from the album’s debut.

One of the few bits of good news was for Avril Lavigne, whose ”Let Go” reached its highest chart position yet (No. 2) and shifted another 122,500 units. Swapping places with Lavigne was Eminem, whose ”The Eminem Show” came in at No. 3 on sales of 122,475, just a hair behind the Canadian teen. Nelly’s ”Nellyville” spent its third week at No. 4 and sold another 120,325 CDs. Perhaps owing to last week’s Sept. 11 remembrances, Toby Keith’s ”Unleashed” returned to the top 10, landing at No. 5 and selling 69,000 copies.

Keith edged out Bruce Springsteen’s Sept. 11-themed ”The Rising,” which slid one spot to No. 6. Norah Jones’ ”Come Away With Me” also lost one place, coming in at No. 7, as did Coldplay’s ”A Rush of Blood to the Head,” landing at No. 8. Rap duo the Clipse’s ”Lord Willin”’ rose one notch to No. 9, and James Taylor’s ”October Road” squeezed back into the top 10 at No. 10.

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