Will she marry Charlie or Ryan? Hmmm...

Will she marry Charlie or Ryan? Hmmm... It's down to the final choice, and Jessica Shaw explains why Charlie's the only guy for Trista

Trista Rehn, The Bachelorette: Trista
Photo: The Bachelorette: Craig Sjodin

Will she marry Charlie or Ryan? Hmmm…

Until Wednesday night’s episode, I thought Russ was a cocky jerk, Charlie was a boring hottie, and Ryan was an adorable guy with an unfortunate desire to rhyme whenever possible. But after this brilliant hour, I must admit I was totally wrong about Russ and Charlie. Ryan’s still adorable, but that third-grade-poetry thing he has going on must stop. Not that he’s going to make it all the way, but can you just imagine what his proposal would be? ”Roses are red. Violets are blue. Will you marry me because I will marry you?”

But back to misconceptions. Although Russ was clearly the guy who was going to get voted off (I’d have gotten rid of him after he tried to buy points with that Tiffany bracelet), he did prove himself to be intelligent and emotionally insightful. When he called Trista out on being closed up, she totally freaked out. Um, shouldn’t that have told her something? Trista clearly thinks a good relationship means all smiley small talk and no dealing with difficult issues.

”I find it amazing Trista can’t put her guard down even when she’s in control of the situation,” he said in the post-dump limo ride. Sure, it was a sore-loser thing to say, but was he really so wrong? Russ seems like the guy who would put in the effort necessary to make a great relationship. Of course, first he’d have to find a woman willing to put up with his unnerving sweaty-face issues.

So it’s going to be Charlie. Charlie and Trista. Charlie and Trista and their kids Blake and Charly Rose. That guy is a keeper! You knew he had potential last week when his mom was such a powerhouse wonderful woman (men with good moms always rock), but not until this week did Charlie show his true colors. He’s sincere, romantic, sensitive (when given the ”fantasy suite” key he was menschy enough to say ”I think it’s got to be on what your comfort level is”), and so damn sexy (beach mellowness thankfully didn’t allow for the Gordon Gecko ‘do) that I found myself giggling like a schoolgirl during their Cabo date.

While Ryan is absolutely a catch and a half, he’s simply not the guy for Trista. He needs some crunchy girl who wears Birkenstocks when she’s not snowboarding in Vail. And preferably someone who really really really likes Dr. Seuss. After admitting that he’s no longer ”falling in love” but ”sumberged in it,” my heart went out to the guy because he’s so on the fast track to heartbreak.

As for Charlie, I’m already counting down the days until the final episode. Now, if only I could get into the ”Bachelorette” editing room and fix that slicked-back look of his, the proposal would be perfection.

Do you think it’s going to be Charlie or Ryan?

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