Old School

Will Ferrell, Old School
Photo: Old School: Richard Foreman

The team behind ”Road Trip” goes back to college with the story of a heartbroken sad sack (Luke Wilson) who teams with two marriage-whipped buddies (Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn) to form a frat house open to students and nonstudents alike, to recharge their smothered masculinity. Studded with cameos by the likes of Snoop Dogg and Andy Dick, the movie nonetheless hinges on the chemistry of its leads. ”Their comedy comes from different places,” says director Todd Phillips, who also codirected the controversial unaired HBO documentary ”Frat House.” ”Vince is the quick, venomous type; Will is this innocent, naive angel; and Luke is right in between.” The actors kept each other sharp during production by mercilessly busting on one another — an exercise they called ”wolf packing.” ”We tell Will he should stick with TV; they make fun of me by calling my movies ‘Legally Bland,”’ laughs Wilson. (Feb. 21)

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