Next ''Real World'' will be in Paris

Next ''Real World'' will be in Paris. Seven Ugly Americans will hit the City of Lights this summer

You think the French hate us now? Wait ’til seven Yanks move into a posh Paris home and let MTV crews film their every move. That’s right, the next ”Real World” city is Paris, MTV announced this week. The show’s 13th season begins airing on June 3.

This isn’t the first overseas edition of ”The Real World,” whose fourth season was set in London. But it will be the first set in a country where English is not the primary language. (Then again, for some ”Real World” roommates, English hasn’t seemed like their primary language either. Here’s a French phrase we’re sure the new castmates will use a lot: ”menage a trois.”) We can’t wait to see how these seven newcomers fare in the City of Lights, especially since their adventures mean that the current, seemingly interminable Las Vegas season will finally come to a close.

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