What's a Hogworth? Get ''Potter'' info that counts

What's a Hogworth? Get ''Potter'' info that counts. Turns out it's not just the days 'til ''Order of the Phoenix'' that are numbered

Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe, ...
Photo: Harry Potter and theChamer of Secrets: Warner Bros

Think it’s impossible to quantify the hullabaloo surrounding the June 21 release of J.K. Rowling’s fifth installment, ”Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”? Maybe. But why bother with ”hullabaloo” when there are so many other magical numbers to crunch?!

192 million Estimated worldwide sales of the four previous Potter books
8.5 million Number of first-print copies of ”Phoenix” set to go on sale June 21
$3-5 million Amount spent by marketing Muggles on publicity of ”Phoenix”
1.3 million Approximate population of Phoenix, Ariz.
Approximately 462,800 Total number of words in the previous four Potter books combined
Over 255,000 Total number of words in ”Phoenix”
180,568 Total number of words in the King James version of the New Testament
$740 Cost of hiring a Potter impersonator from U.K.-based A-List Lookalikes & Entertainments Ltd. for four hours
504 Rank (in U.S.) of Harry as a baby name for 2002
306 Total number of EW articles since 1999 that mention Harry Potter
180 Hours of community service Brit Donald Parfitt was sentenced to after stealing (and attempting to sell) pages of the ”Phoenix” manuscript
26.5 Hours it takes to listen to Jim Dale’s audio rendition of ”Phoenix,” due June 21
2 Years until ”Phoenix” might be seen in theaters
2:1* Odds that actor Daniel Radcliffe will be shaving by then (*Any takers?)

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