''Real World'' roomie is arrested for on-camera brawl

''Real World'' roomie is arrested for on-camera brawl. Robin Hibbard, of the upcoming San Diego season, is busted for a barroom tangle with a Marine

There have been several housemates on MTV’s ”The Real World” over the past few years who’ve turned out to have criminal rap sheets, but this may be the first time one has ever been arrested while the show’s cameras were rolling. According to The Smoking Gun, Robin Hibbard, of the upcoming San Diego season, was arrested Tuesday night when she got into an on-camera fight with a Marine in a San Diego bar. It’s not clear what started the fight between the 23-year-old Florida bartender and 29-year-old Marine Derek Porter, but police told the website that she punched and scratched him. Hibbard was charged with misdemeanor battery and was held for nine hours in the Las Colinas women’s jail before making bail. No word from MTV about the incident, or whether we’ll see it on an upcoming ”Real World” episode.

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