Police investigate alleged rape at ''Real World'' house

Police investigate alleged rape at ''Real World: San Diego'' house. The woman claims she was drugged and assaulted by someone who claimed to know a castmember

MTV’s San Diego season of ”The Real World” premieres Jan. 6, and things at the show’s waterfront house may have already gotten way too real.Police are investigating a 22-year-old woman’s claim that she was drugged by a man who then raped her in one of the house’s bathrooms two weeks ago, the Associated Press reports. Neither the woman nor her alleged assailant are members of the show’s crew or cast, but she told police her attacker claimed to be an acquaintance of one of the cast members.

On the night of Nov. 14, the woman said, she met a man at a bar, whom she identifed as ”Justin,” according to the Los Angeles Times. She says he offered her a drink, which she believes was drugged, since she then blacked out. According to the Associated Press, police said a member of the cast found her naked in one of the ”Real World” house’s two bathrooms — the only parts of the house not covered by the show’s omnipresent cameras — dressed her, and moved her into the living room, placing her on the sofa. Another cast member joined the first in moving her onto a bed in the guest bedroom, where she said she awoke the next morning. She felt pain in her genital area and underwent a medical examination that revealed cuts, according to court papers obtained by AP.

Armed with a warrant, police searched the house a few days later and seized videotapes shot that evening, as well as other items, including bedding, sofa cushions, towels, porn magazines, business cards, a computer, and a set of brass knuckles, the Times reports. Police also interviewed the housemates, one of whom claimed to have heard the attacker boasting, ”I just hit that.” Police declined to tell the Times whether they had found the alleged assailant.

Police also seized tapes from office of the show’s creators, Bunim-Murray Production, in Van Nuys, Calif. ”The producers of ‘The Real World’ and the cast are cooperating fully with local authorities investigating an incident that may have occurred at ‘The Real World’ house,” Bunim-Murray said in a statement. ”None of the cast or crew members had any involvement in this incident.”

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