Tale Of The Tapes

Cops take reel interest in the Real World

Things have already gotten real for the cast of MTV’s Real World: San Diego. First, cast member Robin spent Sept. 4 in the clink after a scrape with a Marine — and you’ve got to wonder if every scratch and punch was caught on tape. Then on Nov. 18, local police issued a search warrant (below) and seized videotapes, bedding, and DNA samples from the show’s swanky waterfront home after a 22-year-old woman not associated with the program alleged she’d been raped by a cast member’s acquaintance inside the MTV crib three days earlier. Though Bunim-Murray Productions remains mum on whether cameras filmed the incident (and if the scandals will be part of the life-in-a-fishbowl series when it airs Jan. 6), a rep for the Real World pooh-bahs will confirm that ”no cast or crew members are suspected in the investigation.”

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