Next season could be the last for ''That '70s Show''

Next season could be the last for ''That '70s Show'' -- Topher Grace says an idea for the season finale is in the works

Topher Grace
Photo: Topher Grace: Carlo Allegri/Getty Images/NewsCom

Maybe the ’70s really are over — even if bell-bottom jeans are back in fashion. According to Topher Grace, the star of ”That ’70s Show” and the upcoming ”Win a Date With Tad Hamilton” (opens Jan. 23), the long-running Fox show may be as over as disco in another year. ”I would do ‘That ’70s Show’ forever, but it will end,” he said at a press junket for ”Hamilton.” So when will it end? ”The show with Topher in it? One year. Ashton and I both signed on for next year, and that will probably be it.”

Though that day is far off, Grace, 25, says ideas for the finale are already being discussed. ”I think we’ve settled on how the show is going to end,” he says. ”And it’s an amazing idea. I hope they don’t try to do a spin-off and not let us end it the way we want to end it.”

If Fez doesn’t get his own sitcom, that last episode will leave the ’70s behind. ”It may not play out the way I think it will, but it will probably involve the ’80s, well into the ’80s. It’s somewhere I really want to go with the show. Anywhere but the ’70s, really.”

As for Grace, he’s already moving on with his film career. In addition to ”Hamilton,” he recently shot ”P.S.” with Laura Linney and next month will begin work on ”Synergy” with Dennis Quaid and Golden Globe nominee Scarlett Johansson. Still, he will be sad to wave goodbye to his TV version of the Me Generation. ”I love doing the show,” he says. ”I think you can tell how much fun we’re having. I can’t imagine a better job than being with those five kids screwing around all week, which is what we do.”

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