Why Harvey Stephens scares us in ''The Omen''

The Omen (1976)

The Omen (Movie - 1976), Harvey Stephens | Harvey Stephens The Omen (1976) You thought your babysitting gig was bad. Spawn of Satan Damien was so evil, he drove his nanny to hang…
Photo: The Omen: Everett Collection

Why Harvey Stephens scares us in ”The Omen”

CLASSIFICATION Touched by a Demon

CHARACTER Damien Thorn, a little boy who happens to be the Antichrist — he even has the ”666” mark on his scalp

CHILD’S PLAY As bizarre deaths pile up around 5-year-old Damien, his adoptive father, diplomat Gregory Peck, slowly uncovers the mystery of the boy’s true parentage.

CHILLING MOMENT Riding his tricycle, Damien sets into motion an accident that sends Mom (Lee Remick) toppling over a balcony.

WHY HE SCARES US It’s not clear to viewers whether the impassive cherub means to harm others or merely radiates bad luck, or whether he knows he’s the spawn of Satan.

WOULD PLAY WELL WITH… The unseen tyke in Rosemary’s Baby (1968); Jonathan Scott-Taylor as the slightly older Damien in Damien: Omen II (1978)


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