Charlie will choose on live ''Bachelor'' finale

Charlie will choose on live ''Bachelor'' finale. Unlike in past seasons, where the decision has been taped and kept under wraps for months, O'Connell will present his final rose in real time on Monday

One reason that most of the couples originating on Bachelor and Bachelorette have broken up may be the pressure of their enforced separation, to preserve secrecy, in the months between the taping and airing of each series finale. That won’t be an issue for Charlie O’Connell and whichever woman he chooses, Sarah B. or Krisily, in the season finale of the current Bachelor. That’s because ABC is airing the finale live next Monday, so that Charlie will present his final rose in real time. ”I think there’s a definite advantage if you’re going to try and start a relationship afterward,” he said in a conference call to reporters on Tuesday, according to the Associated Press.

Charlie didn’t hint as to which of the finalists he would pick, though he said he was ”definitely leaning one way.” He also didn’t say whether he’d pop the question to the lucky gal, though his comments indicated that he probably would not. ”I’ll be happy for Monday when I can date just one girl or start a relationship or whatever it’s going to be,” he said. ”I feel ready for this whole thing to be over. I’m looking forward to having a girlfriend.”

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