Dewey Finn is one of the 10 worst movie mentors

The School of Rock (2003)

Photo: School of Rock: Andrew Schwartz

Dewey Finn is one of the 10 worst movie mentors

WHO IS HE? Fired from his band and desperately in need of rent money, Dewey (Jack Black, left) impersonates his roommate, substitute teacher Ned Schneebly (Mike White, center) and takes a post at a private school, where he molds a class of wonky fifth-graders into a rock combo that can back him at the upcoming Battle of the Bands.

BAD INFLUENCE Dewey’s rebellious attitude and gift for deception rubs off on the kids, who are all about 10 years too young for Dewey to be bringing them into divey rock clubs. For weeks, he distracts them from the three Rs to study rock & roll instead.

REDEEMING QUALITIES Dewey’s passion for music also rubs off on the kids, who gain self-confidence from their roles in the band. He discovers that he’s a second-rate rocker but a first-rate teacher.

EW MOVIE GRADE A (Read the review)

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