The latest in movie trailers

See what we thought of the teasers for ''Spider-Man 3,'' ''Zodiac,'' ''Reno 911! Miami,'' and ''Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix''

The latest in movie trailers

Spider-Man 3
I’d like to say that this spot is awesome — it did leave me jazzed for next summer — but I can’t tell what’s happening, other than Peter’s mad for a black suit, love is on the rocks, and Sandman looks a lot like the Mummy. And I’m a geek! B

It can’t be said enough how important the right music is for a trailer. David Fincher’s latest totally hits the mark — spooky, investigate-y, serial killer-y — until the very end, when the ’70s rock-shimmy of ”I’m Losing You” comes on and blows it. B-

Reno 911! Miami
It’s been a long time since a Police Academy flick, and I’ve been jonesing for some of that Cops Do the Darndest Things humor. This feels like a bigger-budget episode of the Comedy Central series it’s based on…and that’s a good thing. A-

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Worth it for the shot of a squadron of witches flying in formation past Parliament. Harry’s growing up and so, it seems, are the movies: With the exception of Dumbledore’s silly hat, this looks like a decidedly adult affair. B+

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