''Men in Trees''' Tupper joins ''Orson Welles''

(FROM HOLLYWOOD REPORTER) ? James Tupper has been cast as actor Joseph Cotton in the upcoming Orson Welles biopic Me and Orson Welles, which is being directed by Richard Linklater (Fast Food Nation, Before Sunrise). Tupper, who stars as Jack Slattery in Men in Trees, will play the star who launched his career with roles in Welles’ Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons. He joins Claire Danes, Zac Efron, and Eddie Marsan (Vera Drake) in the adaptation of Robert Kaplow’s period coming-of-age novel, about a high school student (Efron) who happens upon the yet-to-open Mercury Theatre, is noticed by Orson Welles (played by newcomer Christian McKay), and cast in a bit part in Julius Caesar. Pre-production is already underway. (Hollywood Reporter)

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