Duking it out on ''Ultimate Fighter''

Duking it out on ''Ultimate Fighter'' -- Hear from host Dana White on why Spike TV's new reality series is the toughest on television

This season on Spike TV’s The Ultimate Fighter (premiering Wednesday, 10 p.m), 32 fighters will have to duke it out for 16 beds in the house, making for the manliest reality show around.

It’s A Hit
Host Dana White explains the new gambit eloquently in the premiere: ”I’m sick of the…posers who [say] the f—in’ cameras bother them…. You’re gonna have to fight your way onto the show.”

Punchy Dialogue
Looking for a better catchphrase than ”Make it work”? Try this nugget from coach ”Rampage” Jackson on for size: ”Don’t let him knee you in the ass — that don’t feel good!”

Gash It In
Some simp nicking his knuckles chopping onions on Top Chef has nothing on gushing fighter Amir Sadollah. ”Maybe he’s just a bleeder,” says Jackson, observing from ringside. Snickers White, ”Nothing wrong with that. Heh-heh.”

The Ugly Truth
If he makes the show, Sadollah notes that it won’t be ”for being pretty.” Take that, you poncey Bachelor!

Getting Some Action
Some words to live by from White: ”I hate [it] when one guy lays on top of the other and doesn’t do another f—in’ thing.” That’s our point exactly, you Big Brother prudes.

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