It's not too early to save Joss Whedon's 'Dollhouse'

Eliza Dushku
Photo: Miranda Penn Turin/Fox

If you are an avid Joss Whedonite, you’ve probably already heard this news, soeither bear with me or skip to the third graph. If not: Given the cautionary example of thecancellation of Whedon’s cult-fave Firefly series, among other ill-fated genre shows past,fans have united to save the sci-fi/fantasy guru’s Dollhouse (starring Eliza Dushku, pictured). According to, is leading a campaign to “urge followers toorganize viewing parties, watch the trailers online, buy Dollhouse-endorsed merch and create more fan sites.”One poster, ultamatt, even suggests making “little cardboard dollhousesand set them up all around towns…. A viral marketing campaign that gets peoplethinking “WTF are all the dollhouses for?” All well and good, save one small detail: The show hasn’t failed yet. Dollhouse isn’t set to air for anothereight months.

Is this a case of super-fandom gone a tad super-crazy? Or in aworld where presidential candidates battle it out for the nomination for more than a year,is there no such thing as revving up a campaign too soon? Personally, I thinkit’s a little silly, especially in light of the fact that Dollhouse seems builtto last — Wired claims the show was greenlit even before the pilot was shot, andseveral other sites are reporting that the seven-show season was upped to 13. And as points out, why not wait to see ifDollhouse is actually a show worth fighting for?

Assuming Dollhouse is sturdy, what fall network shows are youhoping get nixed? Which ones are you fighting for? And how far would you go (shortof physical harm to network execs) to save a show that you love?

addCredit(“Eliza Dushku: Miranda Penn Turin”)

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