Enter the Fray: Sexy edition!

Photo: Carlos Costa/PacificCoastNews.com

With our Sexiest Movies issue, People‘s Sexiest Man Alive, and Robert Pattinson’s magic hair finally appearing on the big screen, this week looked pretty good on the eye candy front. One of my favs, Justin Timberlake, appeared with Beyonce on SNL, and Annie Barrett’s post inspired me to play ”Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)” 15 times onrepeat. Not kidding. It’s a good song. Also, I might or might not have seen Twilight on Thursday night,and I might or might not have enjoyed seeing the new Harry Potter trailer as much as morethan the movie I actually paid to see.

10. This week’s Top 10 begins with a Very Special Enter theFray Public Service Announcement: We want your nominees for the best and worstof 2008! Comment here with your picks.

9. Mike Bruno reflected on Rolling Stone’s 100 greatestsingers list (and brought up my main beef: where all the ladies at?).

8. You had a heated debate over which is better: Watchmen orStar Trek (nerds). Don’t worry, I saw Twilight at midnightso I have no right to judge.

7. You might not have noticed, but alittle movie called Twilightpremiered this week. We might have brought it to your attention once or twice.(Once twice more for goodmeasure: Twilight! Woo!) Our coverageof the premiere is here.

6. Mandi Bierly expressed her hatred for ”Joy to theWorld,” which I can understand. I cannot, however, understand those of you whodislike the greatest modern Christmas song ever.

5. I wonder if the unreleased Beatles track we’ll be hearing(soon, hopefully) will be included in the Beatles videogame?

4. The Real Housewives of Atlanta finale showed more completely ridiculous ”housewives” doing completelyridiculous things, and we loved it. Can’t wait until next week’s reunion!

3. Jeff Probst recapped this week’s episode of Survivor: Gabon.

2. We caught a (shaky, bootlegged) glimpse at the new StarTrek trailer. Marc Bernardin’s verdict: kind of awesome.

1. Mandi Bierly nominated Jon Hamm to replace Hugh Jackmanas People‘s Sexiest Man Alive. Both good choices. But can we get down to thebest part of the issue? The scratch ‘n sniff. Michael Phelps should’ve smelledlike chlorine. Just saying.

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