Feedback from our readers

Check out letters from those who agreed with us, and those who didn't, on ''Twilight,'' ''Confessions of a Shopaholic,'' and more

Feedback from our readers

‘Twilight’ Zone
What a lovely surprise I had in my mailbox today. A billion thank-yous for the extra Twilight-y goodness you sent our way! Rarely do fans get this type of glimpse into the director’s thoughts (”Shooting Twilight). It goes way beyond ”behind the scenes” and definitely satisfies this fan’s craving for more. Great article, great photos, great pop culture icon!
Lesley Bright
Gaffney, S.C.

For the love of all that’s good in the world, would you please stop with all the Twilight covers!? This is the fourth cover of your magazine to feature the actors of Twilight, and I’m sure that there will be many more in the months to come with the release of the DVD and sequel. But really, why do there have to be so many? So. Tired. Of. Twilight.
Allison Thompson

  • Girl Talk
  • A big thank-you to Lisa Schwarzbaum for writing her piece ”Why I Love Chick Flicks…” It was so nice to hear someone saying what I’ve been thinking for the last five years. When is the movie industry going to figure out that there really is a demo that responds to smart, engaging, complex women and their man troubles? Keep it coming!
  • Rebecca Burke
  • Los Angeles

It’s about time that someone took Hollywood to task for the petty plotlines and ridiculous montage sequences in chick flicks! I love them as much as the next guy (or gal, in this case), but find that the alternative universe they portray is a little too much like cotton candy: It looks substantive, but when you take a bite, it dissolves instantly! Give me smart social commentary like Mean Girls; movies that show the good, the bad, and the ugly of relationships like Love Actually; and the tough-but-beautiful real-life choices in Juno, please.
Candi Summers
Arlington, Tex.

Shopper’s Remorse
I was really disappointed that nowhere in the Feb. 20 issue — not the Confessions of a Shopaholic film review, the chick-flicks article, nor the book section — did you discuss the books on which the movie is based. A lot of readers, myself included, felt betrayed with this loose movie adaptation, which felt like elements of the five books were just shoved together in a blender. If the Becky of the film ran into the Becky of the book, I don’t think they would recognize one another.
Elizabeth Anne Hanley
Simi Valley, Calif.

Critic Lisa Schwarzbaum responds: This is one of those problems particular to moviegoers who are also book lovers: The more a book means to you, the greater the chance that the movie adaptation will mess with your memories. My interest was strictly Shopaholic-the-chick-flick; fans of the book series have a right to form their own gripe committee.

Dressing Us Down
Your Oscar-predictions story (”And the Winners Will Be…”) featured pictures of the male actor nominees as their characters, but what did you do for the Best Actress nominees? Showed them in pretty dresses! Heaven forbid that the readers should get to see these women (all of whom played strong female characters) as they were in their films.
Patricia MacMillan
Whitby, Ontario

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Friday the 13th was awesome. Nudity and blood. Who needs believable scenes when you have a hockey-masked killer? —@germainlussier

I knew Confessions of a Shopaholic would be a fun chick flick, but I wasn’t expecting a good, funny movie, which is what I got! A+ from me! —@squaredonut

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