'Friday Night Lights': Follow the newly renewed Texans on Twitter


Chalk up another win for EW’s Michael Ausiello: Friday Night Lights has officially been renewed for two more seasons, just like he reported weeks ago. This is obviously awesome news for fans of FNL, a.k.a. the best drama on network TV and it’s not even close. I know many of you are still watching the in-progress season 3 on NBC, so I won’t give away any spoilers — but having seen the end of this season, suffice it to say that there are definitely some exciting new directions for this show to grow with new and old cast members. It looks like season 4 will likely be premiering on DirecTV before coming to NBC, just like season 3 did. I can’t wait for those first new episodes to show up…at which point I will once again have to find some alternate means of watching, since I don’t have a satellite dish (sorry, DirecTV).

In the meantime, I’ll be amusing myself by keeping up with the FNL Twitter accounts that my girlfriend recently showed me. You’ve got distinguished Dillonites like Matt Saracen, Coach Taylor, Julie Taylor, Lyla Garrity, Tyra Collette, Landry Clarke, and more posting in-character updates and responding to fans. The best has to be Tim Riggins, whose sardonic observations are dead-on. (MINOR SPOILER: I’m just not sureI can take midweek trips to Mexico & NYC in college like I did inhigh school. But if Garrity goes with me….”) I don’t know if these Twitter accounts are officially sanctioned or what, but they’ve gotta be the next best thing to reading PopWatch’s exclusive blog posts from the actual FNL cast members. Anyone else tiding themselves over for season 4 this way?

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