
Photo: Courtesy of Universal Studios Home Entertainment

The Battlestar Galactica prequel — which will air on Sci Fi in 2010, kicking off a spin-off series — won’t entirely satisfy ?die-hard BSG fans or those coming to Caprica ignorant of all things Cylon, but it is solid. The movie opens in a virtual club, a futuristic teen thunderdome of sex and violence that’s ?being used as a lab by Zoe Graystone (Alessandra Toreson) to ?make computer-simulated life. When she dies, leaving behind ?a digital doppelgänger, her wealthy dad (Eric Stoltz) teams with Esai Morales’ Joseph Adama (of the BSG Adamas) to use Zoe’s work to bring her back, with all the unintended consequences that will eventually lead to the Cylon holocaust. The Adamas aren’t the only thing BSG vets will dig: Like the original series, ?Caprica explores religion and humanity (and tosses a few vlogs into the extras). But without more action — and clarity — BSG ?fans could get bored, while newbies may just be confused. B+

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