Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on 'House,' 'Chuck,' '24,' 'Big Bang,' 'CSI: NY,' 'The Office,' 'Lost,' and more!

Question: For the love of God, please give me some Big Bang Theory spoilers! –Laura

Ausiello: Leonard’s “Stuart” problem rears its nerdy little head again on May 4 when Kevin Sussman’s comic-book guru returns to take Penny out on a date. But as exec producer Bill Prady reveals, “The date doesn’t go well and Leonard comes to possess a piece of information that makes him very happy.” Care to elaborate, Mr. Prady? “I’m not usually cagey, but it’s such a fun reveal at the end of the episode that I’m going to be a little cagey… I will say now that Leonard has this information, he’s going to find the events of the season finale confusing. And he’s going to spend the season finale trying to add up all the information he has and see if he can get it to make sense.” Oh, I get it now. Actually, no I don’t. Someone help me, please.

Question: Will Annie Wersching be back next season on 24? I hope so. The Jack-Renee dynamic is one of my favorite things about this season. –Josh

Ausiello: Not only is she coming back next season, but exec producer Howard Gordon tells me that “some part of her past will be necessary in the context of the next crisis.” Gordon also confirms that Cherry Jones’ President Taylor will return for the Big Apple-set Day 8. “Cherry truly defined this character and fashioned our first truly aspirational President since David Palmer,” he says. “She brought an emotional weight and intelligence that exceeded even our expectations.”

Question: Was the majorish death you were referring to on Lost that of Caesar in Episode 12? — Ian

Ausiello: Nah. He’s not big enough to garner an –ish, IMHO.

Question: Who did The Office end up casting as Ryan’s mom? –Joel

Ausiello: Couldn’t tell you. I could, however, tell you who they didn’t get: B.J. Novak’s real mom. They asked her and she turned ’em down!

Question: I’m begging here. Please give me something good on Gossip Girl‘s Chuck and Blair! All we’ve been getting is bad news and I need something to keep me sane! –Nadia

Ausiello: This season’s final two episodes will make you very happy.

Question: You spoiled recently that there will be a permanent veteran death in the Smallville season finale. Is this character featured in the Season 8 opening credits? –Krissy

Ausiello: Yes.

Question: Any word on the renewal of Privileged? –Wendy

Ausiello: “No word yet on anything but we have our meeting set with the network for early May,” series creator Rina Mimoun tells me. “Hoping to wow them with our plans for Season 2. And if that doesn’t work, the boys are gonna come into the meeting with their shirts off and make out with Dawn. I play dirty.” And we love you for it.

Question: Please take pity on us CSI: NY fans and tell us when on earth Lindsay is coming home from Montana. We miss her! — Laurzz

Ausiello: She’s back in the Big Apple on April 29, but we won’t actually see her until May 6 when Anna Belknap officially returns from maternity leave and promptly delivers another baby. “Lindsay pops right back into work and, before you know it, she’s in labor,” exec producer Pam Veasey says with a laugh. “You see her for a second and her water breaks. We couldn’t do anything else but bring her back and let her give birth.” Danny, of course, is at Lindsay’s side for the main event and, like any new parents, “they’re overwhelmed by it,” says Veasey. The big question: What do they have? “It’s a girl,” she reveals. “I won’t tell you the name because we don’t know if the audience will respond to it.” Hmm…. any ideas what it could be? Head to the comments with your guesses!

Question: I was just wondering if you were ever going to reveal who the person was that got axed in the blind item you did. Was it Balthazar Getty from Brothers & Sisters? — Misty

Ausiello: For the millionth time, y**.

Question: I haven’t seen any scoops for Private Practice lately. Got anything on the April 26 finale? — Mary

Ausiello: Certain events in the episode will leave you wondering if both Amy Brenneman and KaDee Strickland have been fired. (Allow me to put your mind at ease: An ABC insider assures me that they’ll both be back.) Elsewhere, there are major turning points in the Violet-Pete and Sam-Naomi romances, and Dell *e** *u**o** *f ****y.

Question: Any good scoop on Chuck? — Andrew

Ausiello: Only one thing will stand in the way of Chuck and Sarah having sex next Monday. And that one thing looks like this.

Question: This week’s Chuck was unbelievable, and the final two episodes of this season look to be even better. Any news or predictions? — Josh

Ausiello: A few predictions: You’re going to love next week’s Ausiello TV; Subway will see a dramatic surge in business the night of the finale on April 27; and NBC will renew Chuck for a third season because I will come down on them like a ton of bricks if they don’t. (That last one was more like a threat disguised as a prediction than an actual prediction, FYI.)

Question: Why didn’t you tell us there are two weddings in the season finale of Chuck? One is obviously Ellie and Awesome’s. What do you know about the other one? — Isabelle

Ausiello: I forgot about the second one. Just kidding, I remembered and decided not to tell you. Just kidding, I honestly didn’t know. Just kidding, I know everything. Just kidding, there are some things I don’t know — like the fact that Kara and Paula were once roommates. Just kidding, I was their landlord. Just kidding, I lived upstairs from them. Just kidding, I lived downstairs. Just kidding, Kristen Wiig’s going to sue me for copyright infringement. Just kidding, Lorne Michaels actually owns the rights to this shtick. Just kidding, NBC does. Just kidding, what was your question? Oh, right, you want scoop on the second wedding. Per Josh Schwartz, “Chuck throws it for someone he cares about.”

Question: I heard a rumor that the couple on Grey’s Anatomy that is really getting married is Sloan and Lexie. Please, oh please, tell me this isn’t true. — Terry

Ausiello: Brace yourself: The couple getting married on May 7 is, in fact, [drumroll, please] not McSteamy and ‘Lil Grey.

Question: Any dirt on Brothers & Sisters? — Jennifer

Ausiello: Jason Lewis returns this Sunday and makes Kevin and Scotty an offer they shouldn’t, but probably will, refuse. (I’m talkin’ ’bout a threesome.) Speaking of long lost loves returning, Roger shows up at Nora’s door and drops a D-bomb, and Tommy delivers some news to Julia that could upset the balance of the Walker clan.

Question: How long ’til House starts banging his hallucination? — Adam

Ausiello: Sit down, relax, and flash back to Jan. 26. It was on that day that I first broke news of the forthcoming plot involving Anne Dudek’s dead doc. It was also on that day that exec producer David Shore went on the record as saying, “It would never be a dead ghost sex love triangle thing like on [Grey’s].” Fellow e.p. Katie Jacobs added: “I think that would make a large [number] of people switch off their TVs. I think if we tried that, heads would roll.” And that concludes our trip down memory lane.

Question: A lot of Huddy fans fear that the House-Cuddy sex might not happen this season after all. Could you please reassure us? — Camelias

Ausiello: I’ll do you one better. For the first time, I will run the actual transcript of the interview we did with David Shore and Katie Jacobs at House‘s 100th episode party back on Jan. 21. If this doesn’t calm your nerves about the impending Huddy nookie-nookie, nothing will…

EW: What’s the latest on House and Cuddy having sex?

Katie: We have definitely figured how the act will play out. And true to vibe of the show and the characters and thanks to David Shore’s wonderfully creative twists and turns, it won’t be what you expect. We have to be careful about making moves like that. We do not want to disappoint fans and just do something out of left field.”

David: Yes we have figured out the details surrounding Huddy having sex. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for fans of Huddy hoping for a hookup. It definitely won’t be what people expect. We have to do things our way, the House way. We wouldn’t want to have the characters do anything out of character.

EW: Just to be clear, the sex will happen by the end of the season?

David: Yes.

Katie: Yes. Now that we’ve given you that scoop, you have to leave us alone on everything else!

Feel better now, Camelias?

Question: I miss the old Silver on 90210. Please tell me she’s going to return! — Christina

Ausiello: I’m told prom is going to be the eye-opening event that resurrects the Silver we all know and love. Speaking of 90210, Rob Estes says this of the season finale: “There might be a death, perhaps a murder. I don’t know if they will actually die because it is a cliffhanger. We left it open-ended. There may be a death in the finale. I can only promise bodily harm. Expect bodily harm.”

Question: I heard the Ryan Eggold is moving over to the new Melrose Place. Is that true? — Lexi

Ausiello: Let’s ask Ryan himself: “I don’t know if it is happening or how exactly they would do it,” he told us at Saturday’s PaleyFest ’09 event honoring 90210. “We’ve talked about me being the crossover character but they say I will still be on 90210 as well. I think it would be really cool if it happened, but it’s too early to say it with certainty. If it does happen it will be the same character on both shows. It would not make any sense if I was playing two different characters.” It would make a hell of a lot more sense than half of the crap I witnessed in this week’s episode, every second of which I loved.

Question: Do you got any news about the season finale of Lie to Me? — Luca

Ausiello: Would you settle for the penultimate episode instead? It involves Lightman going on a very unorthodox undercover mission, and features guest turns by Rescue Me‘s Daniel Sunjata and Carnivale‘s Clea Duvall.

Question: How many original episodes of NCIS are left this season? — Kate

Ausiello: Four. You’ve got the spin-off launching episodes airing on April 28 and May 5, followed by two regular episodes on May 12 and 19. And according to exec producer Shane Brennan, “You have to watch all four of them because they’re all linked together. Even though we’re off in Los Angeles [in the first two episodes] doing stuff with the new team, they’re all tied very closely together by Tony, Ziva, and Gibbs.”

Question: Rumors are flying that Michael Weatherly won’t be returning next season on NCIS. Please tell me that it is not true! — Kristen

Ausiello: Michael Weatherly isn’t the one you should be worried about.

Question: Got any scoop on Desperate Housewives‘ season finale? — Jenny

Ausiello: Lily Tomlin returns to help her sis, Mrs. McCluskey, solve the Crazy Dave mystery once and for all. They better hurry up, ’cause I hear Edie’s widower is going to take Susan on an impromptu fishing trip. Because if it’s one thing we’ve learned over the past five seasons it’s that Susan loves to fish.

That’s a wrap! Please deposit questions-anonymous tips-gratuitous fawning here: Thanks for playing! BTW, still Twittering! (Additional reporting by Carrie Bell and Aly Semigran)

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