'Friday Night Lights' video: Connie Britton drops by with MAJOR scoop!

How do I love Friday Night Lights‘ resplendent, Emmy-worthy leading lady (and Ausiello TV guest) Connie Britton? Let me count the ways…

1) She modifies her summer travel plans in order to appear on my fledgling web series.
2) She breaks major freakin’ news about FNL likely ending in 2011: “I think the intention is to do two more seasons and then that will be it.”
3) She says funny things that make me giggle. Like this: “I’m pretty sure in the next two seasons there’s a very strong possibility that Tami will have an affair with a student.”
4) She humors me when I offer her Emmy submission advice (and video evidence to back it up).
5) She breaks major freakin’ news about who will and won’t be back full time in season 4.

I could go on forever… or I could just direct you to our exclusive video Q&A after the jump. My typing skills suck so let’s go with option B. Enjoy!

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