Guilty Pleasures, Final Four: Phish (16) vs. Barry Manilow (2)

EW's Music Mix is searching for the Greatest Guilty Pleasure Musical Act of All Time. With four seeded contestants remaining, this tournament is continuing to change hearts, minds, and lives, as well as make some people remarkably agitated! Read/listen to the following, and then cast your vote in the poll after the jump; reader comments will be used from here on out, so we encourage you to also post a comment explaining why you chose the way you did. Note: In case of a tie, please select the artist you feel more ashamed to adore.

This is the final matchup of the Final Four. Polls will stay open through the weekend.


Phish beat Ace of Base in Round Three.

"Mariah: "I find it hysterical that the Phish fans are working so hard for their favorite group to be known as the biggest GUILTY PLEASURE of all time. The title itself implies a lack of legitimacy that I certainly wouldn't want bestowed upon my favorite band." — Yes we get the irony. It is not lost on us. However, don't you know that "Phish always wins"?" — Who

"Trying to pick up that hot chick? Gonna tell her you like Phish? BAD IDEA!!! Going on Phish tour this summer? Gonna tell your boss that's where you're going? "You mean that drug band? BAD IDEA!!! Ignorant fools have made Phish a guilty pleasure…" — King of Prussia

"I love Phish's smooth atonal sound…it's like a cross between a hurricane and a ship thats run aground." — The Hurricane

"People get into my car and ask what it is that I'm listening to… I usually respond with Phish. That gets old to the nonunderstanding nonphans. Eventually, you kinda get tired of saying Phish and just say PH. Then eventually you sorta start feeling guilty. That was seven years ago." — Locke


Manilow took out Journey.


Photo Credit: Manilow: Everett Collection

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